Appalachian Bible College Gospel Heralds
Chosen with their music abilities in mind, their character is of the utmost importance. Every year this group of nine students and varying sponsors will travel throughout the states serving local churches, camps, and other ministries. The ten week summer tour quickly becomes a highlight of their years at ABC.
The impact of this ministry in the lives of the students is double-sided. First, they experience, in a very practical way, God using them. Their concerts are carefully crafted so their abilities lead the observers in Christ-honoring worship. Secondly, they experience the blessings of observing God use local churches and believers to minister to their needs. This is often the most impacting.
This year the Gospel Heralds will be touring the following states: Michigan, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, as well as North and South Carolina. Their ministry will begin on June 1st and will conclude on August 3rd.
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